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The Composting Collaborative
Pretreatment Directory
Food Waste Generator Resources
BioCycle Article, Codigestion of Food Waste in the US
A Guide to Workplace Composting
Recycling Works’ Case Study: Lenox Town Restaurants
BioCycle Article, Operational Experiences: Biodigesters + Dehydrators to Manage Organics On-Site
Center for EcoTechnology Case Study: University of Massachusetts Amherst
Recycling Works’ Case Study: Cooley Dickinson Hospital
Recycling Works’ Food Waste Diversion Guide for Restaurants
BioCycle Article, Biodigesters + Dehydrators to Manage Organics On-Site
Recycling Works’ Case Study: Northampton Brewery
BioCycle Article, A New Generation of Commercial Disposers
Food Waste Reduction Alliance Best Practices Toolkit
BioCycle Article, University Grow Tests of Dehydrated Food Waste
ILSR Article, NYC Commercial Organics Recycling Mandate
Recycling Works’ Case Study: Supermarket, Big Y Foods
BioCycle Article, Organics Recycling Lands At Major Airports
BioCycle Article, Food Digestion Effluent Analysis for Landscape Use
National Restaurant Association’s ConServe Guidelines